Sunday, April 13, 2008

Security and stolen ipod

So I did a red eye back to Europe, only to have my ipod stolen in Frankfurt Airport security.
It all came together from a combination of a redeye with multiple security checks in the arriving airport, a connecting flight and a delayed airplane ... but how come you need to treat airport passengers like cows in long lines, and do multiple strips. Should it not be possible to:

- Only have one security check for the full travel
- Upgrade the security checks so we don't need to strip or unpack
- Avoid having long fingered underpaid security personel

Picture from:

Conspiracy to Change Advertising

Interesting concept, bring together a group of clear headed individuals thinking new thoughts in the advertising industry and see what happens.
A number of interesting concepts came up, I liked the idea of creating an offline/online currency and exchange rate, why not?!
Picture from

Advertising - Wikipedia, never stops to impress


Whats New? AMPs are New! Are they useful?


Likeable blogs

David Berkowitz -

Monday, April 7, 2008

Top Gadgets and tips

Here are my top gadgets and tricks to make my working life easier:

1. Extra battery power for my laptop
2. Google Earth for my mobile
3. Company dictionary downloaded to my mobile
4. Skullcandy noice cancelling earphones

Top 10 Airline improvements

Why does Airlines suck so much? Because they don't have the following:

1. Electricity in the coach cabin
2. Mobile phone access
3. Internet
4. Personalized Media
5. Gym at the Flying Club
6. Headrest that works